For a Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable World Free of Nuclear Weapons, Military Bases and War Womens Peace Fund Contributes to Developing Cooperation and Solidarity between Women of Japan and Women All around the World
Mary Popeo
Global Zero/American Friends Service Committee
International Youth Relay Marcher
No Nukes! Women’s Forum 2015
Hello everyone! I see many faces I saw during NPT. My name is Mary Popeo and I am an anti-nuclear weapons activist from Boston, MA in America. I am 23 years old. I am deeply honored to be at this year’s World Conference Against A & H Bombs as a guest of Shinfujin, the Women’s Peace Fund, and Gensuikyo.
While I was a student at Boston College, I spent two summers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki studying Japanese peace culture and bomb history. While in Hiroshima, I had the privilege of interning at the World Friendship Center, where I met many hibakusha and heard their stories. I spent time with youth opposed to nuclear weapons at Hiroshima University of Economics and Hiroshima Jugakuin Daigaku. I also attended festivities on the anniversary of the bomb, including the World Conference Against A & H Bombs. It was these experiences that sparked my passion for nuclear abolition.
Today I am an Action Corps leader for Global Zero and founder of the Global Zero Boston chapter. I am also Committee Member of AFSC’s Peace and Economic Security Program, along with Sofia Wolman. We plan conferences, conduct youth organizing, put pressure on political leaders, and educate our neighbors about the dangers of nuclear weapons.
I have never personally been involved in an organization like Shinfujin (perhaps an equivalent organization in America would be WILPF [Women’s International League for Peace and Justice]). However, I have definitely experienced the power of solidarity among women activists. For example, Sofia is my “peace senpai” and has taught me so much about peace. Whenever I am having trouble with organizing or having personal doubts, she always gives me words of advice and encouragement. There are so many women in the peace movement who do the same for me. We work together to support each other so that we can tirelessly work for nuclear abolition together.
Recently, AFSC and my mentor Joseph Gerson helped to organize Peace & Planet, a mobilization leading up to the NPT for a peace, just, nuclear-free, and sustainable future. I was overwhelmed with gratitude when about 2,000 Japanese activists flew to the US to attend the Peace & Planet rally and march.
Deeply moved by the strength of the Japanese peace movement I saw in New York, I was really happy when I found out that I would be able to participate in this year’s Heiwa Koshin or Peace March. As an International Youth Relay marcher I spent the past month walking from Okayama to Hiroshima to demonstrate global opposition to nuclear weapons and to stand in solidarity with the Japanese movement. I was so honored to march alongside the two people who walked the entire march, Yamaguchi-san, 83 years old and Matsunaga-san, 65 years old. EVERYONE – from my wonderful translators, to the inspiring young organizers that became my friends, to the committed activists who marched with us each day – showed me such love, generosity, and kindness. I am so grateful to be here with you all today and look forward to getting to know you!